VIA Metropolitan Transit service in the Naco Pass remains on detour.

Bus service in the vicinity of Naco Pass at Uhr Lane has been detoured while the area was under construction to reconfigure the intersection, improve passenger comfort and safety, and ease transit and VIA Link  operations. Service temporarily returned in March 2023, but roadway issues in the area made it necessary for VIA bus routes to go on detour again until the issues are resolved.

Multiple stops remain closed in and around the Naco Pass Transit hub, and the roadwork will affect VIA Routes 9 Broadway Frequent, 14 Perrin Beitel Skip, 502 Thousand Oaks, and VIA Link Northeast. There is no scheduled timeline on when work will be completed.


96519: Thousand Oaks at Midnight Rodeo (Stop will be moved 200′ East)
84889: Thousand Oaks & Scarsdale
94487: Uhr Lane opposite Naco Pass
94483: Naco Pass opposite Uhr Lane
95423: Naco Pass and Uhr Lane
95319: Naco Pass and Uhr Lane
13817: Nacogdoches and Naco-Perrin


Routes: 9, 14, 502
96527: Perrin Beitel between Thousand Oaks and Naco-Perrin

Routes: 9, 14, 502, VIA Link
95479: Naco-Perrin between Perrin Beitel and Roszell

Routes: 14, 502
96519: Thousand Oaks at Midnight Rodeo

Visit, or call 210-362-2020, for help planning a trip with VIA. Customers can also plan trips and purchase passes with the free VIA goMobile+ app, available on Apple and Android devices.