Happy New Primo! We’re starting the new year right by launching a new Primo route and increasing frequency on other key routes.
Starting Jan. 7, 2019 the following service changes will go into effect.
Launch New Routes
Route 103 Prímo Zarzamora – This new Prímo route will connect Crossroads Park & Ride to Madla Transit Center along Fredericksburg Rd. and Zarzamora St.
Route 672 TAMUSA / Madla Transit Center – This new route will connect Madla Transit Center to Palo Alto Community College, Texas A&M University – San Antonio, and Southwest General Hospital.
Other Service Changes
Routes 9, 10, 43, and 44 – The frequency on these routes will increase to every 20 minutes on weekdays between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Route 42 (UPDATE) – This route will service TJ Maxx Distribution Center during weekday shift changes. Due to a delay in construction, service to the distribution center is expected to be delayed approximately one month. Riders can use alternate bus stops at U.S 281 N and Del Lago Parkway.
Routes 82 and 88 – The frequency on these routes will increase to every 15 minutes on weekdays between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Route 95 – This route will be extended from Crossroads Park & Ride to South Texas Medical Center Transit Center and will operate until 10 p.m.
Route 101 – The name of this route will change from Route 101 Prímo UTSA / Leon Valley to 501 UTSA / Leon Valley. Additional stops will be added to Route 501.
Route 520 – This route will be replaced with new routes 103 Prímo Zarzamora. Riders going south of Madla Transit Center can use the new Route 672 TAMUSA/Madla TC. Riders going the Medical Center can ride the extended Route 95 or Primo 100.
Lineup Service – Lineup Routes 267 and 277 will have minor route changes.
Centro Plaza – Route 70 will service Centro Plaza, and Route 79 will no longer service Centro Plaza.
Madla Transit Center – The Information Center window will be open during peak hours to assist customers.
Routes with other service changes include:
4, 11, 24, 25, 28, 34, 75, and 502.
Some routes traveling through Downtown, a transit facility or a bus stop, continue as a different route (route pair) departing that location.
The following route pairs will be changed:
Current Pairs: 10-44, 14-79, 22-70, 46, 51-82, 95
New Pairs: 10-51, 14-44, 22-79, 46-70, 51-10, 95-82
To see how these changes may affect your travel, use the online trip planner up to 14 days in advance, and enter a trip date later than January 7, 2019. For details, visit VIAinfo.net or call (210) 362-2020.
View and download a Route Schedule PDF of the service changes that go into effect Jan. 7, 2019.